Contact The Happy Trail Coach
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Lisa // Marathoner - 56
My first marathon was full of support, friendship and timely advice. I rocked up to the start line with a few friends, they were experienced and we agreed to run our own race and pace. As you can imagine they quickly disappeared from view. It was exactly what I was expecting and wanted. After a short few paces a conversation struck up with two fellow runners, another novice runner and yes you guessed it Lexy.
We chatted and agreed to run together, giving encouragement and keeping each other going. It was about 10kms in I discovered the expertise and experience that Lexy had, she began slowly offering some wise words on pacing, hydration and managing the kilometres that were ahead.
Lexy commented she would be happy to coach us through and we gratefully accepted. Lexy put the fun into the marathon in addition to sage advice that I can say honestly got me to the finish line. I completed the run with a burst at the end, which shocked me!
Thank you Lexy, a chance chat led to a remarkable day for me for which I am forever grateful.